The aim of the Audacity Solo Salon is to support and nurture both established and emerging solo performers in the north Texas area. It is also a way to extend the mission of the Dallas Solo Fest beyond just the annual festival itself.
This quarterly series will be a way for solo artists to present, rehearse, experiement with and develop their work in front of supportive audiences. Come on out and see a new one-person show in progress... This installment in what has become a semi-quarterly series from Audacity Theatre Lab will feature excerpts from solo shows-in-progress by Blake Henri, Shayne Larango and Brad McEntire. Monday, March 5 @ 7:30 pm At the Margo Jones Theatre in Fair Park, Dallas TX For directions and parking information visit... HERE Admission is FREE, but any and all donations are welcome (donations go towards the the Dallas Solo Fest). Also BYOB! The Excerpts: An Illiad - Adapted by Lisa Peterson and Denis O’Hare, Perfomed by Blake Henri “An Iliad” is a modern-day retelling of Homer’s Trojan War epic. The lone figure onstage is a storyteller, possibly Homer, possibly one of the many bards who followed in his footsteps. He is fated to tell this story throughout history, destined to document all of the wars that have happened, and, possibly, all of the wars to come. It uses the tale of Achilles vs. Hector as its vehicle, but it also explores the journey of the storyteller and his struggle with his/her own humanity. With poetry and humor, “An Iliad” grasps the heroism of war, the horrors of war, and mankind’s compulsion towards violence. The play premiered at Seattle Rep, played at Portland Center Stage in 2010 and the Undermain here in Dallas in 2012 (with two performers on stage). Now a young solo performer cuts his teeth with the piece. Miss Something - Written and Performed by Shayne Larango Shayne Larango has a charming affect that seduces you into submission and then bites you on the ass. “Miss Something” is one of her Ten Gallon Texas Tales about a young woman finally stepping into the spotlight created by her own hand. Come bask in the pageantry, conflict, and humor that life in Texas has to offer. Robert's Eternal Goldfish - Written and Performed by Brad McEntire Robert J. Roberts has a huge problem with the world. In particular he really dislikes people. All people. One day he becomes the unlikely custodian of a magical goldfish and Mr. Roberts' misanthropic view of the world is seriously challenged. Can a person be frustrated into being a better human being? The play premiered at the Out of the Loop Festival in 2014. McEntire continues to develop and tour the piece.
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August 2024